The Archdiocese of Indianapolis implemented the program, Safe Parish, as part of its ongoing commitment to the care and protection of children. Safe Parish is a training that builds awareness of how to recognize and report physical abuse, emotional abuse, neglect and child sexual abuse. It increases our awareness of all forms of child abuse.
What you need to know: To volunteer, please complete 2 items. [1] Volunteer Safety Training and [2] Volunteer Signup information.
[1] About the Volunteer Safety Training: All volunteers who have contact with children are required to complete the training prior to their first day of service or ministry.
Note: Training is valid for 5 years at which time you will be required to recertify in order to continue your volunteer status.
Safe Parrish Training Details: The training is available online in English and Spanish 24 hours a day, 7 days per week. It takes about 45 minutes to complete and can be done in parts. The Safe Parish link takes you to the home page where you will register by providing your email address and choosing a password. You’ll then be able to view the website and complete the training.